Parasites in the human body in which to live and to deal with them properly?

Before you start treatment it is important to determine exactly what parasite exactly which types are present in the body. This is necessary to obtain an effective treatment, most medical equipment specially designed to get rid of a certain type of helminth. Basic diagnostic methods to determine pathogen invasion:

blood count

  • analysis of fecal masses;
  • blood count: in general, both enzyme immunoassay;
  • smear;
  • analysis secrets of 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • tomography;

A blood test that reveals parasites. A one-time negative as a result, most analyses must be restarted to make. To achieve this, the necessary reliable results. Starting treatment immediately if the test results confirmed the presence of important against worm infestation. Provides 3 consecutive stages:

  1. Preparation, body-to-use, free, pumpkin oil, activated the excretion of accumulated toxins in the process. That lasts 5-7 days.
  2. Drops or medication use that can be designed to destroy a specific type of suspension is an anthelmintic parasites:
  3. A great place to help nematodes Drugs Action;
  4. The healing phase – helps to restore the normal functioning of the body's immune system functioning. He provides-to-use, free, vitamin complexes, in some cases, other drugs that are assigned.

Protozoa treatment should be done under the supervision of doctors. The infection in question, tape worms and parasites has been shown to treatment in the hospital. Pharmacological drugs are very toxic. Them strong side effects after drinking pregnant their intake of income is strictly prohibited. For this reason many people preferred using traditional medicine to get rid of intestinal worms. A lot in his Arsenal, recipes, activity was tested for centuries. That is, that have an effect against many herbs and plants: squash, worm, grass, absinthe, helichrysum, flax, onion, garlic, nuts, pomegranates, carrots. On their basis prepared herbal teas, tinctures. Designed for them to purchase or cleansing enema. Last assigned to combat worms, intestinal parasitic. No prescription herbal treatment to note when choosing a method are allergic to contain the component. To minimize the risk of infection, it is important to continually observe preventive measures worms:

  • hand washing, before meals and after toilet, in contact with the animal;
  • rinse thoroughly and roasting fruits, vegetables, greens;
  • of course, sufficient thermal processing of meat, fish;
  • need for deworming pets.

The parasites for prevention always wash your hands thoroughly. The first signs helminths, it seems like even though anywhere you may be infected with intestinal worms, you need to go to the doctor. Throws, diagnosis and, if necessary, against a vehicle to get treats.

Protozoa and Wolf

Sometimes a sentence about what it is to hear the patient infected with protozoan intestinal worms. You need to understand, and only simple single-celled microorganisms, those in a pinch – organized colony. But they never really cell like wolves and worms. Simple the entire process is experiencing in the cell, while the anatomical organization in the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm much more difficult Wolf: yes differentiated organs that perform special physiological functions. Therefore, intestinal worms, this simple classification is fundamentally wrong. Worms sometimes known as a single-celled parasite compared to bugs: Bed bugs, lice, etc., such as the latest cost is much higher in the evolutionary ladder. Such an interpretation is given to the name of the primary Kurdish.

The most common parasites

The most common endoparasites of see, certainly, worms (worms), other according to various sources, defective, or 80% of the world's population more than. These parasites are in large quantities the main types are divided into:

  • round worms, round worms (ascaris, pinworms, Trichinella, whipworm, etc.);
  • sestod of – ribbon Wolf (latency, pork and Libra, Stephen, ribbon, etc.);
  • trematodes – worms-worms (liver, blood, lungs, intestine their lives both Wolves).

It is possible to sometimes come across a more general classification, thanks to all kinds of human parasites are divided into:

  • bowel, intestinal parasites, intestinal;
  • fabric, localized in other organs and tissues.


Imagine, a short description, the most common helminth species.

Round worms (nematodes)

  • Roundworm roundworms are the most common 20 to 40 cm in length, in the intestine the parasite, however, pre-migration, affecting the human body, respiratory and circulatory system. Together with these intestinal parasites to detect liver and gall bladder, heart, and lung. Ascariasis common symptom is an allergic reaction.
  • Pinworms – small worms and intestinal disorder affecting as much as 1 cm in the way enterobiasis, gastrointestinal tract, fatigue, sleep disorders, etc. The characteristic symptom of pinworms – itching in the anal region, where they have their eggs.
  • Trichinella – these are microscopic worms (just a few millimeters in size) caused by a serious disease – trichinosis May, if untreated can cause death. A kind of adult muscles in living humans (respiratory, facial, etc.) why, Nov headache, fever, edema, allergic skin rashes.
  • Vlasoglava – worms small (length 4.5 cm, from the front, spinning as a part of the body), which is why the larvae trichocephalus diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms reminiscent of acute appendicitis. Due to contamination, the body develops anemia.

Ribbon Wolf (of sestod)

  • It offers the tapeworm, it comes with a body length of 10 km, that leads to the development of difillobotrioz with nausea, fatigue, vomiting, unstable chair, postinfection asthenia, and anemia.
  • Pork Stephen, 3 to 8 km in length, and small intestine immediately the attacks and why the two diseases: taeniasis with dyspeptic, asteknik-neurotic and lonely wife syndrome, and cysticercosis with ebrietas, intestine, and respiratory tract allergic syndromes. According to localization in the testis effects, Nov, brain, heart, eye, et al.
  • The length of 18 km and can reach Stephen Vagi, causes, beef tapeworm infection is considered one of the most dangerous types. If so, deworming, that can live to be 18-20 years old people! Localized, large intestine, why is drunkenness a strong products with their livelihood, as well as diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anemia, allergic reactions and problems, nervous system.
  • Dwarf Stephen long and 1.5-5 cm – source this gimenolepidoz with dyspeptic pain and the aesthetic-neurotic syndrome alone what they have, first of all, digestive and nervous system, body and liver.
  • Using the finest echinococcosis worm – length of only 2.5 to 8, rarely 9-mm, however, the infection of liver and lung dysfunction caused terrible results with them as cysts and tumors of these organs.

Worms-worms (trematodes)

  • Liver flukes, liver fluke, reminiscent of the form of 30-50 mm in length or leaf width, 8-13 mm, there is a sucker. This hammer is capable of a damaged liver and bile ducts shell, completely on top the flow of bile. Cause, cirrhosis, jaundice, and liver cancer.
  • Cat (Siberia) cat wolf or a butterfly, flatworm and a length of 4-13 mm. Localization, ducts, gall bladder, liver and pancreas. Why opisthorchiasis with the development of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis until liver cancer can be fatal.
  • Lung worms are egg-shaped, reddish-brown body, small spines in length, 7.5-12 mm, 4-8 mm in width. cause inflammation that affects the lungs, exudative pleural effusion, focal fibrosis, and lung cancer. Penetrating brain causes encephalitis and meningoencephalitis.
  • Schistosoma (blood worms) – worms are dioecious, 1-2 cm in size, the egg, which causes an enlarged liver, spleen, and lymph nodes, education, polyps, bowel, diarrhea, granulomatous inflammation which leads to cancer bladder.

Protozoan parasites

Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasma gondii) – a parasite of a kind, the main house, the owner of the Cats. Also, I moved the warm-blooded animal and human. Toxoplasma is called toxoplasmosis Thu due to illness. Conditions in the course of the disease, except for pregnancy, in the fetus in the womb at the time, and creates serious consequences for both mother and fetus, even possible death.

Amoeba – single-celled simple organism, is considered as one of the first creatures that lived on Earth. The amoeba that causes the disease called I'll be. Ulcerative lesions of the large intestine intestinal infection with diarrhea dominant with the advent of red foci formation secondary to a chronic intestinal the tendency of a possible leak. Malaria Plasmodium – the simplest single-celled creature, a man that has a development within a loop, there is a temporary host and mosquito – permanent. Offered 4 types of Plasmodium parasite in the human body:

  • P. Malaria – Malaria four days;
  • P. samsung — three-day malaria;
  • P. ovale — ovale malaria in three day;
  • P. falciparum — tropical malaria;

The time interval between bursts depends on the pathogen. In addition, the Plasmodium hits such as anemia developing blood cells, red blood cells. Illness can occur both lightweight and heavy format.

Of entry into the body:

  • dirty water through the water;
  • communication – home – when you use items, garments;
  • dirty through the digestion of vegetables, fruits, products, fails, heat treatment.

Sometimes the ambient noise of the patient, not just the external environment and stimulating the secretions of a carrier. The development of the disease the human body is sufficient for only a few Fallen lamblia cysts. There are reasons such representatives of Leishmania leishmaniasis. Which carriers are mosquitoes. The basic requirement is that the lesions in humans, rodents, mammals. Full development requires the presence of two hosts for pathogenic organisms. This mosquito and a vertebrate representative. Human disease, Leishmania and why:

  • visceral leishmaniasis (fire Doom-Doom) – that would defeat the internal organs;
  • skin leishmaniasis (Baghdad ulcers) – skin lesions, most often on the head, then with scar formation;
  • leishmaniasis, manifested in the skin and mucous membranes – severe destructive lesions of skin and mucous membranes
  • Prevention and rehabilitation, mosquito breeding foci don't have control of rodents, livestock, dogs, Tomb, dead bodies, dead animals.

Flagellates of the Trichomonas the single-celled organisms are pear-shaped, the cause of the disease cough, sexually transmitted urinary system and the strike. The patient what is the difference, male and female, but males are usually asymptomatic disease. Tripanosom are the whip type Single-Cell protozoa. Why tripanozomiyaz a serious illness, deadly dangerous human sleeping sickness. Carrier of trypanosomes, there are bedbugs, CeCe. The parasite in the host body and spreads under the skin, and then penetrate the lymphatic system and blood circulation. Most pathogens are located in the brain and spinal cord, where is, no, and cell secretions and their toxins.

Flat worms

Flat worms, parasites, or worms (trematodes), with the characteristic leaf-shaped body. The structure is organized enough for them — they have digestive, excretory and nervous system. For Change own their own home through life. Common types:

  1. Fluke Siberian (cat butterfly), or opisthorchis. The most common occurs through contamination of raw fish, that leads to the emergence of a very dangerous disease — is opistorhoz. Reproductive parasites is happening too fast, why they can have serious consequences. There is a yellowish color and 12 m in length may exceed them worms. Safe in the human body, the parasites provoke the violation of internal bleeding bile output, pancreatic dysfunction, why. Harmful effects: purulent cholangitis, a kind of achylia, cholangiocarcinoma.
  2. Hepatic Fluke. Dec becomes infected cattle are the main representatives and the person eating processed meat is bad for the affected animal. Fascioliasis is a disease that develops as a result of infection. The worms are relatively small in size (5-6 cm at the most), but they provoked dangerous pathology: liver abscess, cholangitis, hepatitis. Larval parasite in the body may be sent through the blood.
  3. Schistosoma. Guests has the ability to worm, blood vessels, consuming blood components. As a result, life can develop in varicose veins, varicose veins, tumor formations. The main symptom — intensive general toxicity.

Stephen Libra

Stephen Libra can reach a length of 12 m. This hermaphrodite, which can produce more than 100 000 eggs, they are excreted with the stool. Eggs fall to the ground, then the plants and the plants that feed on cattle. Eggs become larvae, which are localized in the animal's body Nov. If a person is eating contaminated beef, the larvae fall intestinal. Larvae transferred from person to person.

There are four suction cups of the adult worms with the head, neck and body segments. Node is constantly increasing the number of mature worms in human intestine and small front outside navigation foam.

Stephen Vagi symptoms

Symptoms of illness include nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic disorders, increased salivation, dizziness, fatigue, irritability, fatigue, abdominal pain localization is a vague, allergies, swings, appetite.

Stephen's body to remove it from the Libra are of the order of 3 stages: preparation (body cleansing), treatment of anti-parasite drugs, back (diet, herbal medicine .. etc. .. etc.).

Ribbon worms


This belt or this type of sestod helminths, various flat worms, length of parasites, such as 10-12 M may be 2 mm, until a body of a specific structure — numerous member, a suction cup with a neck and head (hook) to secure the walls. This intestinal parasite — hermaphrodite eggs and segments. The surface of the whole body soak through food worms.


One the following common tape worms:

  1. Vetokoukku plants. His activities due to the extremely dangerous disease of alveococcosis . Individuals may be more than 4 m in length. Feature of intense training to secure a whitish hue of worms this time Node, up to 2 cm in diameter, similar to a malignant tumor. The most characteristic localization to lungs, kidneys and liver. Cholangitis provoke talented, and the spread of the apse, spleen, Nov, and brain.
  2. It didn't, or worm. Varieties of common species, beef, and pork Stephen, offered by tapeworm. They are different, larger sizes — up to 10 km, and a major life — more than 20 years. Libra is a disease that excites Stephen and cattle tapeworm infection on your stay, usually the small intestine. Serious complications — cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. Stephen a little less pork to their own "brothers" (2-3 km in length). That causes Taeniasis. Offered tapeworm to occur, such as a pathology difillobotrioz. To them, the infection goes poorly cooked fish. Why this worm is able to conclusions: atrophy, intestinal shell, Gunther glossitis, leukopenia.

Disease, to cause

The most dangerous parasite living in the human body that can cause various diseases. Very often the parasite to provoke a particular disease wears the same name like him. So, various parasites in the human body that can cause the following diseases:

  • some human parasites (flukes) trematode that provoke;
  • custodia revealed that in cases of tape worms;
  • if an adult or a child will intestinal roundworms, Wolves have a diagnosis;
  • why leeches chords;
  • Arctocephalus provoke screen.

However, the parasites can affect the human body is an organ.


  1. Eye damage;
  2. The disease is the digestive system why single-celled parasites and worms, – askariazis, trichinosis, hookworm, enterobiasis;
  3. Brain diseases – hydatid disease, toxoplasmosis;
  4. Dermatological diseases demodicosis, lice, scabies;
  5. Hydatid cyst of the lung pathology, askariazis et al.;
  6. Liver diseases – opisthorchiasis, hydatid cyst;
  7. In dry areas, ears and mouth a variety of diseases that can be caused by parasites;
  8. Pathology of the heart;
  9. Diseases of the urinary system;
  10. Vascular Pathology.

Drugs for the treatment of parasitosis

Many drugs developed for the treatment of parasitosis .. etc .. etc .. nowadays. Helminth treatment for drug use, great action, and narrow spectrum. This data proposed remedies vitamin intake of drugs back to the intestinal microflora. Promote recovery, and dairy products microflora, bacterial, yeast but yeast. Strong enough to prevent allergic reactions the use of antihistamines and glucocorticoids. Appropriate recovery process sometimes to get the digestive enzymes of the digestive, cholagogue drugs. To be taken into consideration in the treatment of helminths, helminth modern medicine against digestive enzymes to significantly reduce the ability of the body, therefore detection can be transmitted helminth died not all the time.

Turkish folk remedies

  • Papaya: papaya seeds for treatment of intestinal worms and a very useful output. Available carnitine for effective killing round worms. Drink a glass of water or milk, add a teaspoon of seed powder on empty stomach in the morning, every day.
  • Garlic: a very useful home treatment intestinal worms. Eat three cloves of garlic every day obtain the best results.
  • Carrot: it is very useful to get rid of tape worms. A few tablespoons grated carrot in the morning on an empty stomach to get enough.
  • Take the pumpkin soup and pumpkin seeds, clean and transparent peel, chop, and make a tincture 250 ml of boiling water for the village. A drink and then fire him for intestinal worms intestinal
  • Pomegranate: the bark, roots and stems are worms grenades a very effective destruction

Price effective peel, pomegranate. The bark decoction, one dose of 90 to 180 ml of cold you need to drink, three times per day, intervals of one hour.

  • Turmeric: dry powder or juice with turmeric go about here, don't stop fat, milk, or water very useful not only for vermin killing, but if you are having problems, bowel and chronic diarrhea.
  • Tincture of birch leaves does. The third section fill it with the goods, birch leaves, cognac and top up to the brim to persist three weeks. Then decant the tincture, mix it with water equal parts beets, carrots and mix it with honey. 100 grams of the mixture taken three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.
  • Tincture of Black Poplar. To get 40 drops tincture for 1 hour before meals 3 times a day, for 20-30 days.
  • Corn ralec infusion. Take 10 g of corn ralec, pour 200 grams, boiled water, stick to it. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
  • Flax seed powder and clove buds. Pour into dishes, what could this tool be appropriate.
  • Fresh fruit with Pulp pear juice, carrot juice is recommended for the treatment of children. 50 ml of drinking on an empty stomach one hour before meal a week, 10 days.
  • Pumpkin seed. You need an empty stomach chewing raw seeds Yesil with thin leather (different strong de-warming properties). Seed daily servings 250 gr to 400, then drink a laxative a few hours that requires pills. The duration of treatment 3 to 5 days.
  • Infusion, beaten fresh pomegranate shells. The mass shell poured boiling water 1 cup (250 ml), a thermos, to insist 1,5 hours. Filter. Dosage – drink on an empty stomach every 4 hours, it is a laxative before bed.
  • 300 ml water 3 tsp milled raw material. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, to insist 2 hours, drain. Norma day: - 30 ml, 5 times.
  • And a mugwort infusion. It is taken in 500 ml water, 3. h. l. the mixture of dried flower powder (or fresh weight). Boil 5 minutes, insist to cooling. Filter. You need to accept up to 50 ml a time, morning, noon and evening on an empty stomach for 5 days.
  • The main triad. Collecting dry powder of equal parts Wormwood, rosemary, and Tansy, the use of 1 tsp 4 times on an empty stomach, eaten throughout the day as thoroughly , squeezed fresh water.
  • The garlic. Body cleansing for parasites you need every day in the morning and at night on an empty stomach, eat unsalted bread 2 — 4 shizuoka for a week.
  • Ancient miracle worm medication prescription: salted herring and great meal a day is a bulb. Now it is forbidden to eat or drink anything until the evening. Evening out collectively with stools intestinal worms climb.

pumpkin seeds

Parasites, bear, red peppers, sorrel, for this reason, in the diet as often as possible. This treatment and Prevention. Additionally, in the treatment process to exclude a daily menu, sweet, fatty food you eat. As well as oil, milk, sweet products, canned and smoked. Important to this method of treatment must starve throughout the day to empty the bowel taking fruit compote, dried plum. The next day you need to drink three or four cups of pumpkin seeds.

The human body can be detected in many different worms, parasites, capable of ensuring the security of various internal organs. Why do these chronic diseases that can trigger a severe pathology. Symptoms when to see a doctor for any type of helminthiasis is enough to get started you need a treat.